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Sunday, February 23, 2014

Kids and Gadgets (by gins, 23 Feb 2014)

A recent CNET article hit close to home in articulating just how much kids have changed in only the last five years.  We have two daughters, ages 9 and 11, and they had just passed preschool when the first iPads were released.  Nevertheless, it took no time at all for each to adopt their own (or was it the other way around?).  Applications consisted of both casual games and those that included logic and learning.  And yes, I place 'The Room' in this latter category.  Fast forward to this past year, and they each have iPhones, and both live parts of their lives (and those of their friends) via Instagram and messaging.  Not necessarily a bad thing, though my oldest daughter had upwards of 1500 texts last month.  The flip-side of this... despite what seems to be an engineered after-school experience, they definitely interact more (in person) with their classmates and have plenty of opportunity to burn off excess energy as part of their dance activities.  More than I had at times.  Weekends are for cocooning, but that could be the tradeoff.  So is it bad or good?   Just different, and the new reality in the valley.

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