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Saturday, April 11, 2015

Game of Streaming (11 Apr 15 by gins)

Like me, you're probably a GOT fan.  Problem is, I don't have cable HBO , and though I now credit them with their $15/month over-the-top plan, it doesn't go far enough.  At the house, we have Netflix, Amazon Prime streaming, and more recently, Sling, and would gladly pay for the series one-off.  Note that this is the case for many others via iTunes and Amazon.   But $180/year for effectively 10 episodes. or $18/hour, however juicy, just doesn't make sense.   This is probably 5x what is reasonable, say, $3.60/hour, or equivalent to what you'd pay in the cinema.  I understand the economics that HBO must play into with the cable operators and bundling, and the fact that GOT probably helps fund other productions, but moving the needle even further to the right could help avoid some of the piracy they can expect beginning in just over 24 hours.  Just a thought.