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Friday, September 4, 2015

BMW Demand-Response - My i3 and Me (4 Sep 15 by gins)

A while ago i had tweeted about the BMW demand-response program.  Well, its now live and seems to be working as planned.  The app is quite simple to use, the opt-in/opt-out has not interfered with anything (yet), and the grey box BMW installed in my garage has not exploded.  From Whisker Labs, but not much on their website.

As background, take a look at this recent article from Bloomberg

"PG&E estimates that there are 65,000 electric vehicles in its vast northern California service territory, more than any other utility in the U.S."

And another from CityLab.

A decade from now, we'll see this as norm vs the exception.

The map below isn't great, but shows the distribution of the 100 or so participants.  Red - approx Los Gatos and Saratoga - is heaviest.  I'd expect a high Tesla correlation to this map as well ;)